Sunday, 30 June 2013

production wirting

The big performs 

our class slowly tip-toed on the stage the darkness flew by us and it had swolled the light and dragged the light into it’s burrow like a dragon the but the light escaped WOW that’s a big crowed it mite make me nerves but it didn’t. I got into my starting position and moved and grooved to the beat. I nearly forgot the moves!  It was so scary my hart was an airplane going down but then it was over and again the lights trend off.  The darkness was a dragon munching away at the light.  backstage there were people saing that so fun it was amazing.  then the school got into there stating pisishin and danced after we went on the stage and spoted my perans and went to them and they said i’m so proud of you

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Salah and Thomas's smart goals

What are goals for our production? Thomas to get ready for the regent Salah Not to get stage shy

Why have you made these goals for yourself? Thomas so i don't get embarrassed on stage Salah so i don't muck up

What do you need to get ready to be prepared for the night?  How are you going to get ready? Thomas and Salah to get our costume ready

What are you most looking forward to doing? Why? Thomas and Salah getting in the costumes 

the mistress island

PE Sample